ResearcHers on Twitter
ResearcHers who have contributed to our Twitter account
Amara McCune
Amara is a PhD student at Berkeley Lab and UCSB Physics studying theoretical particle physics, focusing on cosmology and extensions of the Standard Model.
Follow @AmaraMcCune
Sonja Hyrynsalmi
Sonja is a PhD Candidate from LUT University in Finland at the Department of Software Engineering with backgrounds in both Social Sciences and Computer Science. Sonja does research into integration platforms with a focus on diversity and inclusion in software engineering.
Follow @smnyla
7th - 13th Feb 2022
Chloe Chung, PhD
Postdoc researching into the pathological mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston
Follow @dchloechung
Georgia Whitton
Georgia is a data scientist at the Wellcome Sanger Institute, Cambridge UK, working on genomic surveillance of malaria parasites
Follow @Gwhittonx
29th November - 5th December
Madeline G. Reinecke
Madeline is a fifth-year graduate student in psychology at Yale, where she uses data science to research moral cognition across development.
Follow @mgreinecke
4th - 10th October
Garnett Achieng
Garnett is a data and digital rights researcher from Kenya working at Pollicy in Kampala, Uganda working to innovate government service delivery across Africa. Specifcally her research is in content moderation and digital inequalities.
Follow @garnettachieng
26th April - 2nd May
Petra Wenzl
Petra is a PhD student in computer and cognitive science at the University of Bremen researching into spatial cognition in everyday tasks. She uses pattern recognition and sequence prediction with machine learning and AI methods.
Follow @cogscinotes
29th March - 4th April
Alison Pouplin
Alison is a PhD student at the Technical University of Denmark working on geometric machine learning used in medical imaging to energy consumption.
Follow @a_ppln
8th - 14th March
Paloma Rojas-Saunero
Paloma is a PhD candidate in Epidemiology at the Erasmus MC. Paloma’s research is focused in applying causal inference methods in cohort studies, specifically to emulate target trials for long-term exposures related to dementia and to understand the role of competing events in this setting.
Follow @palolili23
15th - 21st February 2021
Simona Picardi, PhD
Simona is a postdoctoral fellow at Utah State University. She uses tracking technology to study how animals move across the landscape and what factors shape their movement patterns, with particular focus on sage-grouse of North America. She also created an R package called nestR to analyse the movement of breeding birds.
Follow @simopicardi
25th - 31st January 2021
Laura Hanu
Laura is a computer vision engineer at Unitary where she builds computer vision models to ensure safe media content online. Laura’s work aims to detect potentially undesirable or harmful content such as hate speech or NSFW visual content by combining different modalities like images, videos and text.
Follow @HanuLaura
7th - 13th December 2020
Christine Boinett, PhD
Christine is a postdoctoral fellow at the Wellcome Sanger Institute at Cambridge researching into the genomics of antimicrobial resistance. Christine is a co-creator of the Digital Mentor Podcast - a podcast on mentoring, research & career development.
Follow @mentor_podcast
16th - 22nd November 2020
Anita Tobar Henríquez, PhD
Anita is a postdoctoral researcher in psycholinguistics at the University of Edinburgh. Anita applies data science and statistics to find out how we process and use language when we talk to each other.
Follow @anitatobarh
26th Oct - 2nd Nov 2020
Olatz Mompeó
Olatz is our Podcast Co-Host here at ResearcHers Code! Olatz is a PhD student in Genetics and Nutrition at King's College London, focusing on gene-environment interplay and how they shape our health.
Follow @houlatz
21st - 27th September 2020
Clara R
Clara is a research assistant interested in spatial population genetics, pathogens and co-evolution, and is a master of memes!
Follow @ramencult
31st - 6th September 2020
Dr Racheida Lewis
Racheida is an Assistant Professor teaching Electrical Engineering at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Follow @Racheida_Lewis
3rd August - 9th August 2020
N'Vida Yotcho
N'Vida is a science entrepreneur majoring in Applied and Computational Math Science with a passionate for psychology and AI, and is host of the Reading Scientific Paper podcast
Follow @NVidaYotcho
13th July - 19th July 2020
Markia Smith
Markia is a PhD student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill exploring the interplay of genomics and the environment on cancer susceptibility, and their effect on racial health disparities
Follow @MarkiaASmith
22nd June - 28th June 2020
Eva Schnider
Eva is PhD candidate at University of Basel researching on machine learning for medical image segmentation.
Follow @SchniderEva
1st June - 7th June 2020
Héloïse Stevance, PhD
Héloïse is a research fellow in computational astrophysics at Auckland University.
Follow @Sydonahi
4th May - 10th May 2020
Rachel Sippy, PhD
Rachel is postdoctoral researcher at UFlorida and SUNY Upstate Medical School. She works in infectious disease epidemiologist, looking at seasonality, and climate/environment influences on disease.
Follow @GermCurves
13th Apr - 19th Apr 2020
Toya Mckinney-Palmer
Aerospace engineering student at Auburn University. Toya is also a NASA Solar System Ambassador.
Follow @astrotoya
22nd Mar - 29th Mar 2020
Adriana Picoral
PhD candidate in applied linguistics at University of Arizona focusing on langue use and acquisitions. Adriana also does linguistics, computational linguistics and data science
Follow @adrianapicoral
1st Mar - 8th Mar 2020
Kalin Kiesling
Computational nuclear engineering PhD student at University of Wisconsin-Madison. Kalin develops methods and tools for simulating radiation transport.
Follow @krose621
9th Feb - 16th Feb 2020
Alice Morrell
PhD candidate at Royal Veterinary College studying navigation of zebra and African wild dogs in Botswana.
Follow @amemorrell
19th Jan - 26th Jan 2020
Brónagh McCoy, PhD
Postdoctoral researcher in cognitive neuroscience at Cambridge University. Brónagh studies reinforcement learning in Parkinson’s disease, autism and anxiety using eye tracking, fMRI and pharmacology.
Follow @MccoyBronagh
15th Dec - 21st Dec 2019
Lyssa Freese
PhD student in atmospheric science at MIT. Lyssa is working on the intersection of atmospheric chemistry, international policy making, and health and economic outcomes.
Follow @LyssaFreese
17th Nov - 24th Nov 2019
Jaky Kueper
Jaky is a combined PhD candidate in Epidemiology & Computer Science at Western University. Jaky researches on the use of data to support complex decisions and equitable primary healthcare, and this includes developing machine learning for multimorbidity.
Follow @jk_kueper
25th May - 31st May 2020
Amy Davies, PhD
Postdoc from Edinburgh University working on interdisciplinary project developing an imaging and labelling approach to enhance preclinical evaluation of drugs. ​
Follow @A_Microscopist
29th Sep - 6th Oct 2019
Sarah Shugars
PhD student from Network Science Institute at Northeastern University. Sarah studies political behaviour and communication and develop new methods in NLP, network analysis and machine learning.
Follow @Shugars
8th Sep - 15th Sep 2019
Bioinformatics and immunology PhD student at Newcastle University. Simone uses code to investigate how our immune cells form during fetal development.
Follow @SimSci9
12th Aug - 19th Aug 2019
Yaa Oppong
Bioinformatics PhD student studying drug resistance transmission in tuberculosis at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Follow @oppong_yaa
22nd Jul - 29th Jul 2019
Isabelle van der Vegt
PhD student studying computational linguistics to understand threats of violence at University College London
Follow @Isabellevdv
24th Jun - 1st Jul 2019
Elly Birchall
PhD student at the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Australian National University studying star and planetary formation
Follow @ellykaybee
3rd Jun - 10th Jun 2019
Dr Dina Popovkina
Postdoc at the University of Washington researching object recognition and visual attention
Follow @_drdina_
6th May - 13th May 2019
Mahdiyeh Razeghi
PhD student in Geodesy (surveying) at the University of Newcastle, Australia using satellite observations for geophysical applications
Follow @MahdiyehGeo
15th Apr - 22nd Apr 2019
Vivian Guetler
Computational Sociology PhD student at West Virginia University investigating cyberterrorism and social networks
Follow @Vivfiona
25th Mar - 1st Apr 2019
Dr Rebekah Wegener
Senior Researcher at the University of Salzburg researching into ethical and contextual artificial intelligence
Follow @rebekahwegener
3rd Mar - 11th Mar 2019
Lyda Harris, PhD
Dr Harris is a marine biologist & microplastic pollution scientist in Seattle, Washington.
Follow @lydaofmylife
Caitlin Aamodt, PhD
Dr Aamodt is a postdoctoral researcher studying Autism Spectrum Disorder and language at University of California, San Diego
Follow @CaitlinAamodt
31st Jan - 6th Feb 2022
Anna Schultze, PhD
Anna is an epidemiologist at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine working on collecting health data to study the safety and efficacy of medicines. Anna also works on OpenSAFELY (a secure analytics platform for NHS electronic health records) for Covid-19.
Follow @AnnaTheresia
13th - 19th December
Genevieve G. Mount, PhD
Genevieve is a postdoctoral scientist in Utah State studying the loss of vocal sacs in frogs and toads and has a PhD in phylogenetic methods.
Follow @Lizardeve
25th - 31st October
Bea Costa Gomes, PhD
Bea is a biomedical engineer and postdoctoral researcher at The Alan Turing Institute, applying machine learning on images from electron microscopy. She also does stand-up comedy and is a co-host for The Turing podcast.
Follow @mooniean
27th Sep - 3rd Oct
Maysa Macedo, PhD
Maysa is a researcher in computer science and medical imaging in Brazil. She is an expert in developing machine learning algorithms in Python. Outside her work, she applies her knowledge in identifying racial bias in texts.
Follow @maysamalfiza
19th - 25th April
Danielle Bodicoat, PhD
Danielle is medical statistician and writer and completed her PhD in epidemiology. She now runs a consultancy called Simplified Data, specialising in clinical trials and evidence synthesis.
Follow @DaniBodicoat
22nd - 28th March
Samantha L Wilson, PhD
Samantha is a postdoctoral researcher at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto. A geneticist turned-computational biologist, Samantha uses genomics to understand pregnancy complications.
Follow @SamanthaLWilson
1st - 7th March
Samantha Pendleton
Samantha is a PhD student at the University of Birmingham researching into genetic and environmental risks of patients with inflammation using machine learning, natural language processing and ontologies in Python.
Follow @sap218
8th - 14th February 2021
Camila Rangel Smith, PhD
Camila is a data scientist at the Alan Turing Institute in London and has a PhD in particle physics working on the ATLAS Experiment of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. She also created the community Cevale2ve to help physics students go into higher education in Venezuela, Columbia and Peru.
Follow @CamilaRangelS
18th - 24th January 2021
Ines Belgacem, PhD
Ines is a research fellow at the European Space Agency at the European Space and Astronomy Centre. Ines’ work focuses on the study of icy surfaces in our solar system – specifically, Jupiter's icy moons Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.
Follow @Ines_Blgcm
30th Nov - 6th December 2020
Ada Kępińska
Ada is a bioinformatics PhD student at King's College London researching into the genetics of psychosis and exploring symptoms related to different psychosis trajectories.
Follow @adapkepinska
9th - 15th November 2020
Abbie Bray
Abbie is a theoretical physics PhD student at University College London. She uses mathematics and coding to model scenarios in laser-matter interaction.
Follow @AbbieBrayPhys
19th - 25th October 2020
Ashley Holub, PhD
Ashely received her PhD in epidemiology from the University of Rochester Medicine and Dentistry. Ashley has conducted research in mental health, emergency medicine, pediatrics, bit of cardiology, and is currently a postdoc in industry working on joint replacement in orthopedics.
Follow @ashtroid22
14th - 20th September 2020
Adrienne Pichon
Adrienne is a medical informatics PhD student at Columbia University researching into patient generated data & personal informatics tools in women's health
Follow @Adriennepichon1
24th August - 30th August 2020
Nina Lutz
Nina is a graduate student at MIT Media Lab exploring human identity through interactive expereinces using a combination of computer science, art and design
Follow @ninalikespi
27th July - 2nd August 2020
Vivian Chu
Vivian is a 3rd year bioinformatics undergraduate student at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, passionate about sci-comm and empowering youth & girls in STEM through inclusion, accessibility & community
Follow @VivianSChu
6th July - 12th July 2020
Sally Owen
Sally is a research economist, working in climate change adaptation and disaster economics in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Follow @sallyfrean
15th June - 21st June 2020
Sarah Horgan
Sarah is a PhD candidate researching on endocrine disruption, reproductive toxicology & nanomaterials.
Follow @SarahLouHorgan
18th May - 24th May 2020
Paulette Vincent-Ruz, PhD
Paulette is a postdoctoral researcher at University of Michigan. Her research focuses on discipline based education research on chemistry.
Follow @STEMxicanEd
27th Apr - 3rd May 2020
Neelu Begum
Neelu is a computational biology PhD student at King's College London studying the metabolism of fungi
Follow @neelubegum
6th Apr - 12th Apr 2020
Tara Fernandez, PhD
Cell biologist working in a biothech industry. Tara does work with cell therapies and nanomedicine.
Follow @DrTFern
15th Mar - 22nd Mar 2020
Sophie Shang
Research assistantat Yale University. Sophie studies the cognitive and affective processes underlying major psychiatric disorders using computational modelling, behavioral testing and neuroimaging.
Follow @Sophie_Shang
23rd Feb - 1st Mar 2020
Amy Hudson
PhD candidate at University of Arizona. Amy researches how atmospheric circulations above influence the success and growth of plants and animals below.
Follow @amyhud7
2nd Feb - 9th Feb 2020
Angelika Zarkali
Neurologist and a PhD candidate at University College London. Angelika studies visual hallucinations in Parkinson’s and Dementia with Lewy Bodies.
Follow @Angelika_Za
12th Jan - 19th Jan 2020
Nathasia Mudiwa
Neuroscience and cell biology PhD student at University of Luxembourg. Nathasia makes use of human derived stem cells and advanced 3D mini brains in order to model and study Parkinson’s disease.
Follow @Tasia1409
8th Dec - 15th Dec 2019
Laura Hayes, PhD
Postdoc working at NASA Goddard studying the Sun and space weather using observations from NASA and ESA satellites.
Follow @laura_hayess
10th Nov - 17th Nov 2019
Beth Rogoski
PhD student from Leicester Cancer Research Centre. Beth's work focuses on identifying chemo preventive agent for populations at high-risk of developing mesothelioma.
Follow @brogoyski
Marcella Montagnese
Neuroimaging PhD student from King's College London working on the pharmacological and computational aspects of visual hallucination in Parkinson's. ​
Follow @m_montagnese
22nd Sep - 29th Sep 2019
Rachel Wade, PhD
Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee working on Giant Kelp Breeding for biofuel optimisation.
Follow @RaeMarieW
1st Sep - 8th Sep 2019
Malin Fredén Axelsson
Masters student from Lund University using R and data science to study global surgery and 3D printing.
Follow @malinfax
5th Aug - 12th Aug 2019
Mira Tammelin
Geology PhD student studying Finnish lakes, sediment, nutrients and diatoms (microscopic algae) at the University of Turku
Follow @MiraTammelin
15th Jul - 22nd Jul 2019
Cerys Jones
PhD student researching into multispectral imaging to recover hidden features on heritage artefacts at University College London
Follow @C3rysJones
17th Jun - 24th Jun 2019
Katja Mankinen
PhD student in particle physics at Lund University searching for new particles for the ATLAS experiment at CERN
Follow @katjkarp
27th May - 3rd Jun 2019
Dr April Wright
Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, researcher in phylogenetics and comparative biology and teacher in computational evolutionary biology at Southeastern Louisiana University
Follow @WrightingApril
29th Apr - 6th May 2019
Thao Ngo
PhD student at Duisburg-Essen University researching into online privacy and artificial intelligence on social media
Follow @ThaoNgo_DE
8th Apr - 15th Apr 2019
Sarah McIntyre
Astrophysics PhD student investigating water sustainability on exoplanets at The Australian National University and Mount Stromlo Observatory
Follow @ExoBioExplorer
17th Mar - 25th Mar 2019
Candice Basson
Particle physics PhD student working on "invisible" phenomena, like dark matter, with the ATLAS Experiment at CERN and the University of Manchester Particle Physics Group
Follow @Andi_Basson
24th Feb - 3rd Mar 2019
Eve Vavagiakis, PhD
Dr Vavagiakis is postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Physics at Cornell University working on instrumentation and analysis for cosmology & astrophysics.
Follow @EveVavagiakis
Brianna Pagán, PhD
Dr Pagán is a Scientific Applications Developer and Data Scientist at NASA working on optimising and managing satellite data. Brianna's PhD research explored satellite remote sensing for climate modelling and drought forecasting applications.
Follow @Brianna_R_Pagan
Sara Villa, PhD
Sara is a postdoctoral researcher studying molecular neuroscience at King's College London. As well as coding, Sara tweets about living with and managing chronic pain.
Follow @VillaScience
6th - 12th December
Nilovna Chatterjee, PhD
Nilovna is a crop modeling scientist at CIBOTech working in crop and soil model development, improvement, and performance testing with a focus on regenerative agriculture.
Follow @Chatter_Nilovna
11th - 17th October
Srishti Nayak, PhD
Srishti is a research scientist working in the intersection of language, music science, speech, reading and development at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.
Follow @dr_srishtin
20th - 26th September
Adawiah Zainal, PhD
Ada is a bioinformatician at the agricultural institute in Kuala Lumpur. She uses bioinformatics approaches to unlock the wealth of information in rice and tropical fruits.
Follow @ruruadra
12th - 18th April
Rasheedat Atinuke Jamiu
Rasheedat is a student of information technology at Bayero University Kano, working in data science and data visualisations and part of the She Codes Africa Mentorship program.
Follow @Rassh_RAJ
15th - 21st March
Kimberly Deas
Kimberly is a Chemical Informaticist for a major DC organization and a PhD Candidate in Health Informatics. She is also the co-founder of BlackTIDES, focused in the fields of Technology, Informatics, Data Science, Epidemiology, and Social Sciences.
Follow @DataKimist
22nd - 28th February 2021
Nikita Desai
Nikita is a computer science PhD student at University College London. She applies Artificial Intelligence to predict protein structures in cancer. Nikita also interviewed and wrote about inspiring women in bioinformatics, which you can read here.
Follow @keilie_79
1st - 7th February 2021
Becky Collins
Becky is a PhD student and lecturer at the University of Worcester, and a mother to two young children. Her research is in riverbank erosion using very high-resolution terrestrial laser scanning.
Follow @BeckyC85
11th - 17th January 2021
Laura Mugeha
Laura is a geospatial engineer working with a social enterprise in Nairobi, as well as supporting student-led clubs that provide technical training on geospatial technology with open data and free and open source software.
Follow @laura_mugeha
23rd - 29th November 2020
Tejaswi Kasarla
Tejaswi is a computer vision researcher at the Bosch Research and Technology Center in India. Tejaswi specialises in understanding scenes and images for autonomous vehicles.
Follow @tkasarla_
2nd - 8th November 2020
Emily Rickman, PhD
Emily received her PhD from Geneva Observatory, Switzerland, working on two large surveys to directly image exoplanets around young stars in the mid-infrared. Emily is now an astrophysicist with European Space Agency Research and Space Telescope Science Institute. Emily’s work focuses on finding planets outside of our Solar System (aka Exoplanets).
Follow @AstroRickman
4th - 11th October 2020
Jordan Harrod
Jordan is a third-year PhD student at Havard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology working on brain-machine interfaces, machine learning and anesthesia. She is a science communitor and has a youtube channel on AI
Follow @JordanBHarrod
7th - 13th September 2020
Victoria Carr
Vicky is a bioinformatics PhD student at King's College London researching antimicrobial resistance and also our Founder of ResearcHers Code.
Follow @VictoriaCarr_
10th August - 16th August 2020
Ufuoma Ovienmhada
Ufuoma is a second year graduate student at the Space Enabled group at MIT researching into space technology to support healthy and equitable socio-economic and environmental ecosystems in West Africa
Follow @ItsUfuoma
20th July - 26th July 2020
Jenea Adams
Jenea is a PhD student in Genomics & Computational Biology at the University of Pennsylvania and founder of The Black Women in Computational Biology Network
Follow @JeneaIA
29th June - 5th July 2020
Cat Boucher
Cat is a PhD candidate in Neuroscience at McGill University. Cat is researching on how vision influences hearing.
Follow @catcortex
8th June - 14th June 2020
Danielle Lemmon, PhD
Danielle recently defended her PhD in climate science at University of Colorado Boulder. Danielle specialises in El Niño-Southern Oscillation, tropical Pacific phenomenon that widely impacts global climate.
Follow @iLemmon
11th May - 17th May 2020
Johanna Devaney, PhD
Johanna is an Assistant Professor Brooklyn College. Her research is primarily in the area of music information retrieval.
Follow @jcdevaney
20th Apr - 26th Apr 2020
Sophie Okolo, MPH
Sophie is a researcher turned science writer in Health Tech and consultant at Global Health Aging. Sophie holds a bachelor’s degree in bioinformatics, master’s degree in public health.
Follow @sophieokolo
29th Mar - 5th Apr 2020
Domitille Louchard
PhD candidate at ETH Zürich studying the impacts of the Amazon River on the carbon cycling of the Atlantic Ocean. Domitille is using 3D complex models to simulate the Atlantic Ocean's physics and biogeochemistry.
Follow @domitilleLou
8th Mar - 15th Mar 2020
Hannah Tiffin
PhD Candidate in Entomology and Intl Agriculture & Development at Penn State University. Hannah works on mange in bears, coyotes, and foxes. And also extension
education on ticks and vector-borne diseases.
Follow @bearly_famous
16th Feb - 23rd Feb 2020
Laura Whelan
PhD candidate at Trinity College Dublin looking for changes in genes that cause inherited blindness.
Follow @lauraannewhelan
26th Jan - 2nd Feb 2020
Lilian Balatsou
PhD Candidate in Cognitive Neuroscience at Bangor University, studying how the human brain prepares for speech. Lilian also had a recent transition into industry working as a Speech Scientist in an AI company.
Follow @e_balatsou
6th Jan - 12th Jan 2020
Caitlin Aamodt
Neuroscience PhD student at UCLA studying learned vocal communication. Caitlin is using songbird model to treat non-verbal patients with autism.
Follow @CaitlinAamodt
1st Dec - 8th Dec 2019
Michela Piacardi
PhD candidate in the photonics and nanotechnology research group at King's College London. Michela research interests are in the theoretical and experimental exploration of the degrees of freedom of light and their mutual interaction.
Follow @micpicardi
3rd Nov - 10th Nov 2019
Leonie Esters, PhD
Meteorology Postdoc from Uppsala University focusing on air-sea gas exchange and oceanic turbulence.
Follow @LeonieEsters
6th Oct - 13th Oct 2019
Crystal Grant
Genetics PhD student from Emory University using bioinformatics tools to uncover epigenetic changes in human ageing. ​
Follow @itscrystalgrant
15th Sep - 22nd Sep 2019
Taylor Ferebee
PhD student in the Computational Biology program at Cornell University researching data integration, experimental design, and network inference in genomics applications.​
Follow @Ferebee2PhD
19th Aug - 26th Aug 2019
Celine, PhD
Postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Arizona Cancer Center researching epidemiology of H. pylori and gastric cancer in Latinx populations
Follow @sciencecalcul8r
29th Jul - 5th Aug 2019
Miriam Scarpa
PhD student in translational pharmacology and drug discovery for Alzheimer's disease at the University of Glasgow
Follow @miriamscarpa4
1st Jul - 8th Jul 2019
Therese Anders
PhD student interning at RStudio on implementing calibrated peer review in data science while studying Political Science and International Relations at the University of Southern California
Follow @thereanders
10th Jun - 17th Jun 2019
Asmita Poddar
Machine learning researcher at the Institute of Data Science, National University of Singapore working with artificial intelligence in healthcare
Follow @asmita_poddar
20th May - 27th May 2019
Dr Didem Korkmaz
Data scientist working at test IO with a doctorate in Neuroscience from the University of Tübingen
Follow @didem_korkmaz
22nd Apr - 29th Apr 2019
Sophie Wassermann
PhD student at NUI Galway and The Ryan Institute in Ireland modelling fish shoal behaviour to help sustainable fishing
Follow @sowasser
1st Apr - 8th Apr 2019
Heather Forsythe
PhD Candidate in Biochemistry and Biophysics at Oregon State University studying protein structure and dynamics using nuclear magnetic resonance
Follow @heycurlytop
11th Mar - 17th Mar 2019