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ResearcHers Code is a social enterprise that supports cis and trans women and non-binary in technology, academia and research

Theory of Change


Where are we now?


With the growing acquisition and availability of data, academic groups are employing trends in technology for data analysis in their research, such as artificial intelligence and high-performance computing. As a result, there is more incentive for universities to provide coding courses, and for researchers to learn to code1. Coding is considered as a key skill for jobs in the 21st century. Recently, the UK government announced the creation of a £20 million Institute of Coding2 and the investment of £18.5 million for artificial intelligence conversion courses, scholarships for underrepresented groups in tech, and adult online training in innovation3.


Currently, many individuals in an early-stage of their research careers, including those with scientific computing training, leave academia before securing permanent positions and move to roles in industry, the charity sector and government4.


But, there is still a gender gap in the non-academic technology workforce as well as within academia. In 2018, 16% of IT professions were made up of women5, and in 2017, only 5% of leadership positions in the tech sector were held by women6.


What are our aims?


We believe we can help fill this gap by:

  • engaging the public and industry to the talent and impact of cis and trans women and non-binary in tech and academia

  • providing a community for cis and trans women and non-binary in academia and industry to network

  • hosting workshops for cis and trans women and non-binary to learn skills for the tech sector.


What are we doing?


  • Hosting a podcast interviewing cis and trans women and non-binary working in research across academia and industry to showcase talent and provide role models

  • Running skill workshops for cis and trans women and non-binary, talks and networking to give cis and trans women and non-binary a platform to communicate their work, share knowledge, make collaborations and inspire others

  • Hosting a cis/trans woman and/or non-binary in their early research career every week on our twitter account to inspire others to enter careers in technology

  • Writing blog posts about cis and trans women and non-binary in technology and academia




1.    Baker, M. Scientific computing: Code alert. Nature 541, 563–565 (2017).

2.    Prime Minister announces £20 million Institute of Coding. GOV.UK Available at: (Accessed: 22nd June 2019)

3.    £18.5 million to boost diversity in AI tech roles and innovation in online training for adults. GOV.UK Available at: (Accessed: 22nd June 2019)

4.    Royal Society (Great Britain). The scientific century: securing our future prosperity. (Royal Society, 2010).

5.    2018 Workforce Statistics. Welcome to the WISE Campaign

6.    Women in tech: Time to close the gender gap - PwC UK. Available at: (Accessed: 22nd June 2019)

© Researchers Code 2021

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